The End!
Today, I finished the first draft of my novel STEALING THE SUN.
It's not "done". It needs transcription (much of the final material was written longhand), rewriting, sending to agent, no doubt more rewriting, etc. But I finished the draft and wrote the words THE END.
Since I never thought I could get it done by today, my self-imposed deadline, I'm really feeling pretty damn self-satisfied just now.
Since the end of the semester, in my drive to finish this draft, I've learned that I don't have to be the kind of low-productivity, shallow-well-of-inspiration, needs a lot of time to recharge writer that I've been in the past. I can write 1-2 thousand words a day, to a previous outline, and the words will come. And the characters, when poked hard enough, will start running around and squawking all on their own. To me, this feels much more like being a professional. And that, again, makes me happy.
Also, today a House Finch visited my feeder -- yeah, ok, one of the most common critters around, but beautifully red-headed, the first finch at my feeder and a good sign for the eventual attraction of goldfinches, also common and even more beautiful. Even better, a California Thrasher was in the yard -- a bird that's been increasingly rare in my neighborhood lately.
Happy New Year!
It's not "done". It needs transcription (much of the final material was written longhand), rewriting, sending to agent, no doubt more rewriting, etc. But I finished the draft and wrote the words THE END.
Since I never thought I could get it done by today, my self-imposed deadline, I'm really feeling pretty damn self-satisfied just now.
Since the end of the semester, in my drive to finish this draft, I've learned that I don't have to be the kind of low-productivity, shallow-well-of-inspiration, needs a lot of time to recharge writer that I've been in the past. I can write 1-2 thousand words a day, to a previous outline, and the words will come. And the characters, when poked hard enough, will start running around and squawking all on their own. To me, this feels much more like being a professional. And that, again, makes me happy.
Also, today a House Finch visited my feeder -- yeah, ok, one of the most common critters around, but beautifully red-headed, the first finch at my feeder and a good sign for the eventual attraction of goldfinches, also common and even more beautiful. Even better, a California Thrasher was in the yard -- a bird that's been increasingly rare in my neighborhood lately.
Happy New Year!